The 14 Worst Apple Products Ever Made

Apple, as you really should know is probably one of the best and probably is the best technology company in the world (Not A Fanboy, you’re talking to a former android user) They may have had some really good products but some… Just flatout suck, and thats what I’m here to talk about.

Now before I get started, I would love to say that Apple has made some lovely products and that list will be made after this list is made.

Despite my negativity, lets get the show on the road.

Apple Fanboys if your scared, I suggest you don’t read this article.

XIV: iPad Mini (2012-Present)

In 2012, Apple decided they wanted to make a smaller iPad, so they did. The iPad Mini, and all I have to say is this product (ESPECIALLY THE FIRST GENERATION) I STRONGLY DESPISE.

Who in gods name would buy one, we have the iPod Touch which is nearly 50 dollars cheaper than the regular iPad Mini, the iPad Mini is a square. It may be good for kids but I swear, If I had kids I’d rather buy them an iPod Touch. The screen is awful especially for today’s standards. The battery life is worse than the original iPhone, and are as durable as a wine glass.

Overall, the iPad Mini is just useless and I see no point for it or any other one of these tablets, like the LG G Pad or the Samsung Galaxy tab. Anyway lets move on.

XIII: iPhone 3G (Not 3GS) (2008)

In 2008, the iPhone 3G was released, but was a phone that was basically the same as the 2G but had a new back which was made out of plastic (Way To Go Apple!) but was strongly behind compared to most phones.

Besides the touch screen the 3G was nothing, It was basically an iPhone 2G that was made of plastic and was only 8 or 16GB and was basically just a phone with apps. The 3G and the 2G lacked Video, which was ok for the 2G, but with the 3G, seriously Apple no one wants to carry a camcorder when they could use their old Palm Treo 680 to record their 5 year old blowing out birthday candles for your grandmother.

The 3GS was a much better phone than the 3G and was terrible, but not the worst iPhone made.

XII: The Late 2014 Mac Mini (2014)

So as we know, in 2005 Apple made the Mac Mini, which basically was a remake of the G4 cube but it sold about 20 times better, I own a Mac Mini as a secondary computer and its ok. But the new Mac Mini might make the Mac Mini become like the G4 Cube.

The mac mini is Apple’s baseline computer starting off with an Intel i5 processor and 4GB of RAM, but Apple has made it cheaper but made one mistake, and that is that you can NO LONGER upgrade the RAM, so if you buy it with 4GB, you can’t upgrade it to 8 or 16, your stuck, so that is because Apple wants you to buy the higher end model so they get more of your money.

Its basically useless and its just Apple being Apple.

XI: The All In One PowerMacintosh G3 (1998).

In April 1998, Apple introduced the AIO G3 PowerMac, only sold to education this plastic boulder weight 69 pounds about 19 more pounds then the much better successor to this, the eMac. This thing weighed 69 pounds, more than my 9 year old sister. This thing weighs more than a Window Air Conditioner this is more weight than 4 Macintosh 128K’s.

But alongside it being a good contestant for my 600 pound life. This thing had more issues and no, one of them is not being that it was only sold to schools.

It was ugly, it looked like someone took a Compaq Desk Pro and rounded the edges and threw on a 12 Inch Sony TV and threw an Apple logo on it. It was ugly.

Luckily this iMac G3 grandfather lasted less than a year on the market, and was discontinued in January of 1999.

X: 20th Anniversary Macintosh (1996)

A year after Apple’s 20th Anniversary, they made this weird looking thing. And lets just say that this is an attractive computer but lets just say this is what happens when a PowerBook and a Power Macintosh have sex, this happens.

This attractive looking computer was sold for about Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars enough money to buy a Plymouth Neon at the time and now enough money to buy a Toyota Camry from about 5 or 6 years ago. this thing sold terribly. It looked like an ATM machine that came out of the wall, and despite its looks, it just sucked at everything else. Besides it being included with a bose sound system, this computer was only used by millionaires who have enough money to buy this hunk of dog crap and not regret it. luckilly this ATM machine contraption was discontinued and replaced in March of 1998.

IX: Magic Mouse (2009)

Around 2009 Apple decided to make another crappy mouse, Even though Apple Magic Mouse was attractive and Apple, known for making the worst mice of all time. this was a perfect exception besides the Apple Pro Mouse and that round circle that looked like a hockey puck steve jobs threw a ball in and was so called, “A Mouse”

This mouse looks like a weird mini tent for lego people. It had the worst of the worst multi touch figures and no right click whatsoever which made the Mighty Mouse look like a diamond compared to this piece demented frisbee. It cost 60 dollars and was useless. Bluetooth that was awful and just was unusable. Just about everyone with a Mac doesn’t use this mouse so at least most people who don’t use Apple Computers and too stupid.

VIII: iPod Hi-Fi (2006)

As far as just about everyone knows that company called iHome makes these crappy iPod, iPhone and iPad speakers. And Apple wanted to get a slice of it to compete. So they made this thing

This first of all looks like a shoebox. with some speakers.

But it cost $349, more money than it costs to buy Beats Studio headphones and to buy 2 pairs of Beats Solos, compared to the iHome speakers which cost like $20. And this thing lacked an AM/FM radio so all you could use this for is to listen to your iPod, and you could only use certain iPods.

iPods You Could Use: iPod Classics,

But nothing else (Correct me if I’m wrong)

VII: iPhone 5 (2012)

I knew you thought this would be on the list but, don’t get me wrong, the iPhone 5 is still a great phone, but the iPhone 5  has a clusterfuck of issues. More issues than All the iPhones except the 5 combined,

When the iPhone 5 first came out, there was an issue with the iPhone 5’s that were in the black color would scratch and scuff easily this was called scuffgate. And I still don’t know if this problem was ever fixed. Than the iPhone 5 had an issue with the batteries in them (the early ones) so there goes about a couple hundred thousand iPhones sold with battery issues. And finally there was an issue with the upper speaker (The ones we use to make phone calls) where it will stop working and in this case, that happened to me, so now I have to walk around using speakerphone holding my phone upside down looking like an idiot. And the camera is pretty awful.

But lets move on.

VI: PowerMac G4 Cube (2000)

As much as I love this computer, the PowerMac Cube was just a failure.

This I consider the grandfather of the Mac Mini, for its looks and its size. The Cube is goregous on the outside, but the inside is like a day in Death Valley.

The one problem with this thing was that it came with NO FAN which is fine considering that chromebooks and the new MacBook come without a fan but this was a no go at the time, the Cube was ahead of its time. Oh and it is really over priced. It is $1600 at base price which is more money the the MacBook Pro 13 Inch Retina new.

They also had cracking in the plastic, and they didn’t sell well at all. And were discontinued a year later (Introduced in 2000 and discontinued 12 months later in July 2001)

V: The ENTIRE Macintosh Performa Series (1992-1998)

From 1992 to 1998 Apple had the Performa lineup from John Scully or whatever his name is. And this was a lineup of computers for basically anyone, they were designed to be used in schools and at homes. But was the mid ranged model. Basically this was the lineup of of the old Mac Lineup from the 90’s (Before the iMac and the iBook)

Macintosh Centris: Mac Mini

Macintosh Performa: iMac

Power Macintosh: Mac Pro

But the Performa had an extreme marketing failure because when Windows 95 was released the computers from Windows were much cheaper and maybe much better. But the Performa Series had trouble catching up and was much of the problem with Apple struggling and how they nearly shut down and probably caused it shutting down if Steve Jobs didn’t come back to Apple.

According to LowEndMac, the worst Mac ever made was in the Macintosh Performa Lineup, The Performa 5200.  So that explains alot.

IV: Macintosh (Not So) Portable (1989)

In 1989 Apple Introduced the Macintosh Portable and it was thought to be a success, but it wasn’t. It had serious battery issues and it did run on the same battery used by a car. It weighed 16 pounds, which is more weight then the new Mac Pro.

The screen was only 9 inches, and the computer was as wide as a Lisa. And it was just worthless, and this thing only cost about $6500 dollars, almost as much money as the 20th Anniversary Macintosh aka The ATM Machine, you could probably buy one or two 4K TV’s with that money in today’s world.

Also, this thing looks like a flaming piece of dog shit. If you really were smart, you could wait two years later for when Apple made the PowerBook.

III: Apple Newton (1991-1998)

From 1991 to 1998 Apple made the iPad before the iPad, the Newton, released  in 1991 these PDA’s were known for acting like siri with their inaccurate responses with the stylus

These things were terrible, they weren’t very common and were made fun of, even by the Simpsons link to the video

They were ahead of their time, even though palm also made them, Palm just did much better.

II: Apple Hockey Puck Mouse (1998)

When Steve Jobs came back and released the iMac G3 (aka the computer that saved Apple) not everything was a miracle, especially announcing that they were going to use Internet Explorer as their default browser. But there was much worse

This circle, this thing was what was the awful excuse for a mouse, it was impossible to use, and was so small that basically the only person who would be able to use this mouse would either be a 4 year old or a dwarf. This mouse is impossible to use. This makes the earlier explained Magic Mouse look like the Logitech Performance MX Mice.

Luckily in 1999 or 2000 Apple released people weren’t dwarves or had smaller hands than an infant and made the Pro Mouse which is still bad, but not bad enough to find its way onto the list.

But lets get onto I: 


I: iPod Shuffle 3rd Generation (2009)

Look at this thing, it looks like a smoothened out lego. this is the most useless thing of all time. no buttons, there is no control the iPod must pick a song and make you suffer through it even if its a family iPod and your daughter’s favorite Justin Bieber song comes on.

This thing is just as usable as a broken pair of headphones. I hope whoever thought of this idea will think about what he’s done. This thing is so stupid. I hope that these things are never to be seen again I’d rather choke on a fish than own one of these. How do you use it. Let me know.

Before I end this post. I’d like to throw out even more awful apple products that weren’t as awful as these and didn’t make the list.

I. Apple Lisa (1983) Its 10,000 Dollars

II. Apple QuickTake Cameras (1994-1998) (Wtf was Apple thinking)

III. Macintosh TV: (1993) (Stupid Idea)

IV: The New 2015 MacBook (2015) Ahead Of Its Time And USB C

V: Early 2001 iMac (2001) Ugly Designs

VI: iPod Classic 3rd Generation

VII: Apple III

Thanks For Reading


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